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We are pleased to announce that UCME-SmartConnector is now available. Before explaining what UCMESmartConnector is, few words about Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure.

EcoStruxure is Schneider Electric’s IoT-enabled, plug-and-play, open, interoperable architecture and platform, in Homes, Buildings, Data Centers, Infrastructure and Industries.

EcoStruxure delivers Innovation at Every Level from Connected Products to Edge Control, and Apps, Analytics and Services, on 6 domains of expertise – Power, IT, Building, Machine, Plant and Grid – delivering enhanced value around safety, reliability, operational efficiency, sustainability, and connectivity to our customers.

For more information about EcoStruxure

UCME-SmartConnector was specially developed for the EcoStruxure system and uses the SmartConnector engine and EcoStruxure APIs.

UCMESmartConnector™ is an Alert Notification software for Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure Building Operation system(SBO). UCME-SmartConnector™ can send SMS (in all languages), Push, email & Voice messages in response to an alarms started, ended or acknowledged in the SBO system.

The benefits of UCME-SmartConnector:

  1. Reliable.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Scaleble (event driven – no polling!)
  4. High Performance.
  5. Easy alarm and value import from the EcoStruxure to UCME-SmartConnector.
  6. Fast configuration! You can have an application up and running within less than 1 hour!
  7. Dedicated service & support.
  8. API and SmartConnector extension connectivity with SBO (Alarm Import, alerts, values, acknowledgement)
  9. Multiple notification channels: SMS, Push, Email and Voice in any language.
  10. Escalations & alarm reminders.
  11. Recipients weekly shifts.
  12. SMS and Email redundancy.
  13. Support for different cellular modems: USB, Serial and Ethernet.
  14. Support for different HTTP-SMS providers.
  15. Alarm acknowledgement via: SMS, Push and Voice over telephony.
  16. Two-way SMS support.
  17. Query or modify SBO values remotely.
  18. Alarm history and notification history in SQL Server.
  19. Can run as a Windows Service.
  20. Based on our UCME-OPC product – ~2,000 satisfied customers worldwide

For more information have a look at: